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Imagine the sandhill cranes dancing on the Platte River or in the cornfields and wet meadows near the Platte River! Now you can take that image with you wherever you go. This Dancing Cranes short sleeve T-Shirt features original artwork by Paul Johnsgard, noted authority on ornithology and bird behavior.
This Dancing Cranes T-shirt is available in 3 colors in unisex sizes from small to xxxlarge. The T-shirt is 65% polyester and 35% preshrunk cotton.
Bert Anderson has been sculpting ideas in clay since his school days.This whimsical dangly leg crane ornament is a unique sandhill crane that will be a welcome addition to your collection. Suitable for hanging on your Christmas tree or in a window year round.
Size is approximately 4" tall.
Graced with illustrations by the author, Crane Music introduces the two North American crane species. The sandhill, most often seen, is within easy reach of bird-watchers in the center of the continent. Less visible is the whooping crane, struggling back from near extinction. Paul Johnsgard follows these elegant birds through a year’s cycle, describing their seasonal migrations, natural habitats, breeding biology, call patterns—angelic to the bird-lover’s ear—and fascinating dancing.The largest and most spectacular migratory concentration of cranes happens each spring when the Platte River valley becomes the staging ground for an amazing gathering of four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand sandhills en route from the south to the Arctic tundra. Johnsgard describes this incredible event as well as memorable personal encounters with the cranes. His knowledge of them transcends natural history, covering their importance in religion and mythology.
Driving west from Lincoln to Grand Island, Nebraska, Paul A. Johnsgard remarks, is like driving backward in time. “I suspect,” he says, “that the migrating cranes of a pre–ice age period some ten million years ago would fully understand every nuance of the crane conversation going on today along the Platte.”
Johnsgard has spent nearly a half century observing cranes, from a yearly foray to Nebraska’s Platte River valley to see the spring migration, to pilgrimages to the birds’ wintering grounds in Arizona and nesting territory in Alaska. In Sandhill and Whooping Cranes he draws from his own extensive experience as well as the latest science to offer a richly detailed and deeply felt account of the ecology of sandhill and whooping cranes and the wetlands in which they live.
Incorporating current information on changing migration patterns, population trends, and breeding ranges, Johnsgard explains the life cycle of the crane, as well as the significance of these species to our natural world. He also writes frankly of the uncertain future of these majestic birds, as cranes and their habitats face the effects of climate change and increasing human population pressures. Illustrated with the author’s own ink drawings and containing a detailed guide to crane-viewing sites in the United States and Canada, this book is at once an invaluable reference and an eloquent testimony to how much these birds truly mean.
Ken Kantro has created a unique rendition of this distinctive bird - a sandhill crane as she roosts at night during the long migration from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. This Pewter Sandhill Crane Pin will evoke the timeless beauty of nature's creatures.
Exhibited at the Smithsonian Institution and at museums and galleries throughout the world, Ken Kantro's work is a celebration of nature and its creatures. Each piece is an original design and is signed by the artist.
Matching necklace available.
Ken Kantro has created a unique rendition of this distinctive bird - a sandhill crane as she roosts at night during the long migration from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. These Pewter Sandhill Crane Earrings will evoke the timeless beauty of nature's creatures.
Matching pin and necklace available.
"...and the sky blackened with dark, gray bodies. In the blurry confusion, John lost Mary." So begins Have You Seen Mary?, a fictional account of one sandhill crane's faithful search during spring migration for his lost mate. Set on Nebraska's Platte River, Jeff Kurrus weaves a tender story of love while also teaching us about these majestic birds. Supported with wondrous color photographs taken by Michael Forsberg, this paperback book will appeal to all ages for its ability to entertain as well as educate readers about sandhill cranes.
Origami — the Japanese art of paper folding — expressed as jewelry! Set in sterling silver cloisonné, the good news and good fortune-bearing cranes soar as origami-inspired earrings. Each pair of Origami Peace Crane Earrings comes packaged in an eco-friendly bamboo gift box lined with anti-tarnish fabric. Each box comes engraved with the Rowe Sanctuary crane icon. An ideal gift for any crane enthusiast!
Origami Peace Cranes dangle from sterling silver ear wires. Earrings are 0.79 inches wide and 0.59 inches high.
Matching Necklace Available
Post Earrings Available
Ever wondered what it would be like to be a sandhill crane chick? Well, now is your chance. Come join Salvador the Sandhill Crane for his first busy week. Rich photography tells the story of a family of sandhill cranes as they nurture a newly hatched chick, Salvador. This is a story about Salvador's parents' patience, protection and guidance during his first busy week. Enjoy photography that allows close-up observation of the fascinating life of sandhill cranes.
Book Category: Children's Ages 3-10 Book Size: 9.5 x 9 inches No. of Pages: 32
Cranes can soar with your support!