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Nebraska artist Nancy Sharps creates ceramic sandhill crane ornaments that are individually hand painted, glazed and kiln fired. Wire legs complete this unique ornament. Nancy even includes a ringer so that you can use this crane as a wind chime if you prefer. What a one-of-a-kind addition to your collection!

Average length is 7" from crown to toe.

NANCY SHARPS has a Masters in Art from the University of Idaho and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art from the University of Wyoming. She currently teaches a variety of art courses at Chadron State College. Her other campus activities include CSC high school art workshops, exhibit preparation for Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center and participation in Faculty Art Shows in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007.

Nancy is a member of the Northern Plains Watercolor Society, Wyoming Watercolor Society, and Watercolor West. She received a Technical Achievement Award from Northern Plains Watercolor Society in 2008 and the Merit Award from Northern Plains Watercolor Society in 2005.

Nancy makes and sells whimsical ornaments shaped like animals. "I started making sheep but then saw an antelope and decided 'Hey, I can make that,' and before long I was making a moose and other animals," Sharps said. 




































































































































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Audubon - Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary

Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary focuses on conservation of the Platte River ecosystem and the birds that rely on it.

(308) 468-5282  •  •  44450 Elm Island Rd, Gibbon, NE 68440